Wednesday 23 September 2020

Duality means positive is just as powerful as negative


The yin-yang symbol of Daoism has white spots in the black and vice versa for a reason. There is a fractal nature to creation within Duality that is absolute - positive and negative both contain the seeds of their polar opposites. There is light in the darkness and dark in the light. This is a universal and invariable law (within Duality). The positive forces are contained within the negative and will rise to meet/match them. Otherwise one declares one's belief that the negative is inviolate, absolute, and transcendent. In doing this one invites the collapse of the duality in one's experience and one's world goes to shit. But this is only because one has declared oneself as dissociated from Source/the natural order - and furthermore has decided that one "pole" (love/truth) is weaker than the other pole (fear/distortion). The extent to which one declares this dissociation from ultimate reality to be what is really happening is the extent to which one is cut off from source. The light is in the dark: believe it. Were it not so, there would be no duality in our experience. And if the light is in the dark, it is really not difficult to see ... ;)

Monday 20 April 2020

How the light wins. Inevitably.

We need to be able to *conceive* of possibilities and scenarios in which the dark cabal fail. IMO that's more important than the details of *how* it plays out in the physical. For me it's simply natural law; the spot of yang in the ocean of yin: Frodo and Sam out there in the dark, cut off from the greater light -we can't contact them but they have the weaponry to utterly fuck Sauron and his ugly fucker minions up while we make keyboard war to keep the Eye busy 😁

Image by Colin Behrens from Pixabay

Saturday 18 April 2020

A word on Orwell in these Orwellian times...

I've read 1984, and though I enjoyed it as a literary creation, it utterly failed to convince me that the human spirit will inevitably be permanently crushed for all time. This is because despite it being a great book written by a master wordsmith, it is abjectly materialistic, totally lacking in any kind of soul, and entirely blind (or perhaps willfully ignorant and disdainful) to any state of being that is not mundane.

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay 

Saturday 21 March 2020


In our enthusiasm to jettison the lower frequencies from our daily experience and our society, it is wise to keep our focus positive. But you can’t hermetically seal yourself off from discord and anharmonious frequencies; they are a part of divine creation, and we ourselves are an outcome of the eternal dynamic interplay between chaos and order. We are the link between the ground and the heavens, and we must never lose sight of this, out nature.

Water cleanses and purifies, yet it does not shun the dark, dirty parts of the Earth; it transits through all spaces from the lowest and filthiest hole to the top of the sky.

If you believe that the focus of your attention, the outward manifestations of your internal choice, can ever be devoid of doubt, discord and darkness - that you can attain a state of perfect harmony and unassailable faith and yet remain anchored to physical reality - then you misunderstand the most fundamental nature of being on this plane. Being is the ON (OM?) part of the ON/OFF (being/nonbeing) dichotomy, and the lack of either renders the other meaningless. In the same way, DOUBT and FAITH are each other’s eternal dance partners. Remove one, and you remove the dance itself. The floor clears, you collapse the dichotomy, and dissipate into loftier realms. This, too, will happen in due course, because everything has its season - but while there’s moonlight and laughter and love and romance, let’s face the music and dance, as the song goes!

Even should the present Lifting of the Veil, as expected, banish many seemingly omnipotent demons of the past age, the new paradigm will usher in its own breed of disharmony and chaos - and these won’t look anything like the last lot, because now we’ll be able to see those coming a mile off. The lessons we are learning in these times are emotionally and spiritually excruciating, and not ones we are likely to forget. No, the devil of the nascent age will speak the patois of the nascent age, walk the walk, crack the jokes, and write the songs as ever before. And if we are wise, that’s all he’ll ever have to do.

The price of sovereignty, they say, is eternal vigilance. Coming through the Lifting of the Veil includes an understanding that the power differential between Self and Other is vastly reduced (or even entirely banished). Our first, tottering steps in this higher frequency will be beset with their own pitfalls. In such an ecology, it is unwise to expect the devil to simply vanish in a puff of love and light. In such an ecology, the devil’s job morphs into that of keeping you on your toes ... like any competent dance partner.

ahb 21.3.2020