Monday 20 April 2020

How the light wins. Inevitably.

We need to be able to *conceive* of possibilities and scenarios in which the dark cabal fail. IMO that's more important than the details of *how* it plays out in the physical. For me it's simply natural law; the spot of yang in the ocean of yin: Frodo and Sam out there in the dark, cut off from the greater light -we can't contact them but they have the weaponry to utterly fuck Sauron and his ugly fucker minions up while we make keyboard war to keep the Eye busy 😁

Image by Colin Behrens from Pixabay

Saturday 18 April 2020

A word on Orwell in these Orwellian times...

I've read 1984, and though I enjoyed it as a literary creation, it utterly failed to convince me that the human spirit will inevitably be permanently crushed for all time. This is because despite it being a great book written by a master wordsmith, it is abjectly materialistic, totally lacking in any kind of soul, and entirely blind (or perhaps willfully ignorant and disdainful) to any state of being that is not mundane.

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay