Wednesday 28 February 2018

For all those who despair at the state of the world ...

Warmongering psychopaths in power. Fake news. School shootings. Rampant paedophilia. Divide and conquer. Escalating censorship. Endless propaganda. Voracious corporate greed. Out-of-control technological advancements. The total perversion of nature, healthcare provision, and nutrition. Shit music. The list goes on.

I know how you feel. It seems so natural to sink into despair when you think of the scale of the challenges we collectively face. For what it's worth, this is how I deal with it.

I am generally able to maintain a healthy degree of optimism and good cheer because from my point of view, we are indeed consciousness having a physical experience. I don't say this out of vapid adherence to some trite & trendy McSpirituality: it's something I've been thinking about very deeply, and reading about very widely, for many years.

The implications of consciousness being the foundation of reality are far greater than most appear able to appreciate (at least, that's how it seems to me).

The experiential Tomorrows of each and every one of us are like a vast ocean in front of us, but we are the Captains of our own vessel. The waters we will sail into tomorrow (to continue the metaphor) are entirely dependent on our sense of the possible, today.

For example, if I am only able to seriously entertain the possibility of there being one physical Earth, which is heading uni-dimensionally into the future at a vector set by the collective conscious frequencies of all 7-odd billion of us, then I can only move forward within the parameters of that vector allowed by my imagination.

In other words, my steering wheel is jammed. I am unable to navigate the full range of potential destinations on the map of reality. Furthermore, the buffeting winds created by the feelings and actions of 7 billion other human beings are apt to blow my vessel wherever those feelings and actions are bound to lead.

In the vast majority of cases, nowhere good.

If, however, I have learned a degree of mastery over the rudder of my thoughts and the sails of my emotions, I can harness those elemental forces (regardless of their source, over which I have no control) to navigate myself into a favourable Tomorrow.

Other Captains of other ships will end up perceiving and experiencing the waters of other Tomorrows - other Earths - according to their own skill and mastery over their respective rudders and sails.

What this means in practical terms is: a bad sailor blames the weather for where his vessel ends up. The better we learn to steer our thoughts and handle our emotions, the more of a chance we give ourselves - individually - to navigate our way towards a better Tomorrow; a better Earth.

Every life is its own timeline. As long as we focus on our own game, keep showing and living by example in the truth that we are more powerful by far than we have ever been led to believe by any orthodox State-accredited or religious mentor (with a very few honourable exceptions, of course), our fate will never be the fate of those who despair.

Try it and see.

As John Lennon once said: “Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.”
To put it another way: It isn't the end until you - yes, you! - give up.

If you haven't given up, it isn't the end.

Thursday 15 February 2018

Bloody robots! Coming over here ... taking all our jobs ...

I'm getting more than a little bored of hearing all this wailing and gnashing of teeth about robots soon taking most of the jobs. 

Getting robots to fulfil our basic Maszlow needs is only an existential threat if we buy into the idea that we invariably need to pay someone in order to exist on this physical plane (and this is an idea we have been robustly encouraged to subscribe to throughout the ages - but that's another story for another time). This is a critical point in human evolution (as we all know!). 

I should make it clear that I'm not at all in favour of the forced redistribution of wealth from other human beings who have worked hard to amass it but the work of robots is a different kind of energy exchange. Whatever corporate entity has the means to build robots to take away menial labour irrespective of our wishes only serves to create an economy in which there are almost no customers (i.e. a moribund one). At this point it either becomes a naked, tyrannical master-slave relationship or the true free market kicks in to correct things. 

If robots start generating all the food and building all the shelter, yet not distributing the overwhelming surplus to the enormous slice of humanity they have made obsolete, who *are* they giving it to? A correction would be inevitable, by hook or by crook. So to speak.

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay